
Showing posts from 2019

A Courageous Year

I've never been one to actually check off my New Year's resolutions. So instead I started choosing a "Word of the Year" and focusing on it for a whole year. Most years I chose a word in January, however, sometimes my word chooses me at a later date. But either way, its amazing what you see and do when you have a singular focus-- a word. This year will be a year of firsts (last year was also a year of firsts). For 2019 I have chosen the word COURAGE (last year RESILIENCE chose me)-- and I'm pretty sure this year will encompass some of both. So as I am learning to live in courage, I'll also be sharing things I've learned about resilience. And if you're lucky, I may have some "firsts" stories to share along the way. Get ready for a courageous year, Modern Lizzy